About Me..

“Trodding through creation, in an irie meditation.”

from the moment we gain consciousness to the moment we bid adieu to this consciousness, as we know it.. -it has  been but a search to know; to know who we are and why we are…

If I have to write why I am starting this blog, honestly I won't have a clear answer. I do have some idea about what I want to do and share here with you all, but simply putting- this blog is also a continuation of that journey of finding Me … the here and there; this and that; people and places; my likes and dislikes, my sometime senseless musing and all that would go on to describe the individual that I am...

We are born with empty existence & embossed sub- conscious- We grow… and gradually at every touch- mental, physical & emotional, our world forms.

There wasn’t a world before .. family, friends & peers.. all who came & touched my life.

And there won't be any .. once all who of you who have known and loved me are gone and forgotten!

So before life as I know it is gone and forgotten .. an attempt on my part to hold onto all that I find inspiring; and share those little things and moments that brings a smile to my face.. for didn't someone say - Happiness is only real when shared'

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