Saturday, 21 February 2015

How extraordinarily ordinary it is all...


perhaps an ordinary journey, by a very ordinary person.. in a very, very ordinary and mundane scenario of today's existence. Or perhaps not. Whatever way it is, one thing is sure..  that even my over-active imagination couldn't have perceived- is the road that I would travel...

5 years ago if I would have imagined myself now.. I definitely would not have seen myself as the same person that I m today... changed for sure.
But what changed? - It was in this milieu of faces, egos and attitude that I slowly found someone.. found myself. I discovered what drove me.  I  found what repels me. I learn to read people around me and not just their faces.  I realised how devastating egos can be.. How delicate relationships can be, how words can break and how just a simple honest explanation can heal! Lost my prejudices, saw my  weakness  and I met my strength. Learnt to appreciate intentions and not always judge by actions...and yes, realised that there usually is always more to the story!

Most importantly trying to accept that there usually isn't a 'one fine day- when it will all makes sense', for there will always be something that won't!!!  So guess, .. just learn to do the jig in all the senseless dramas and laugh while we can ..

Yes 'I am'.. 'we are'  because of the road that we have walked and walk we have too.. so why not make the journey our destination-

As one 'Unknown' said~  'The journey in between what you once were and who you are now becoming is where the dance of life really takes place'.
 Bring on the music..  I will play life:)

~19th March 2013

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