Monday, 23 February 2015


“I always hated when my scars started to fade, because as long as I could still see them, I knew why I was hurting ~Jodi Picoult

 In certain ways this is true for me too.  One of my friend calls me 'Calamity Jane'.  I think I attract accidents and incidents alike, like moth to a flame.  Therefore it is obvious, that I do have my ample share of scars. But 'my scars' are dear to me.  I never felt the need to make them disappear. And honestly, I do not want my scars to disappear! Because I believe 'my scars' are not just my physical identity but are also an integral part of my mental make up. 

As a teenager I was occasionally prone to acnes. Even back then I never was obsessed with the 'sole idea of getting rid of them' and have a flawless skin!! Not that I have particular liking for them but beyond a point, they didn't matter to me and till date I can't fathom the need or desire for flawless appearance...

Every mark of cut and surgery and burn on my body, reminds me every moment, that I have lived and walked through those days.. to be where I am today.  There are also those scars- not visible to eyes.  The 'mental ones ' which scars your heart n soul ..which either breaks some or makes some. I treasure those too. And most of the time they have made me..  may be because I have nerve allowed them to be a chasms  in my life but have always tried to use them as stepping stones.  A stepping stone to know myself and those around me.

Actually, time doesn't heal anything .. scars fade but  wounds don't. To protect our sanity and balance,  with time the body and  mind covers it with gentle layers of tissue and acceptance.
 I think we all need 'our scars' to make us the 'individuals' that we are…

“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.” ~ Rumi

~12thJune 2012

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